The Center for Disease Control www.cdc.gov
This site has extensive information on travelers' health, immunization recommendations, many health conditions, and the most up to date information on current health issues such as swine flu. |
Medline Plus.gov www.medlineplus.gov
This collaboration between the National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine provides links to web sources of reliable medical information. It's much more efficient and safer than trying to sort out the results of a web browser search. |
UpToDate www.uptodate.com/patients
This site has thousands of articles by medical specialists on most health conditions. They are updated frequently, so you know you are getting cutting edge information about everything from diabetes to the rarest diseases. |
Breast Cancer Connections www.bcconnections.org
BCC is a Palo Alto organization dedicated to supporting people and families who have been touched by breast cancer. This site will give you information about their services. |